Welcome to Hepworth Village Hall
The social centre of the village, providing a home for pre school playgroups, badminton, music and theatre events, art and craft groups, film nights, plus a number of social activities throughout the week.
How to book
Charges are from £6.00 per hour.
Daytime children’s parties £20.
Children’s parties consist of a 2 hour party and rates include approx half to three quarters of an hour set up time and likewise tidy up time.
It is Village Hall Policy that bookings are not taken for 13-24 years inclusive.
Evening parties with bar from £90 (non-returnable deposit of 50% required)
A bar and a recently upgraded kitchen are available at no extra cost. The hall has an entertainment licence for live music and dancing. It has recently been redecorated and various party effects can be arranged (mirror ball, ropelight)
The hall does not provide catering but hirers may arrange their own caterers. A number of local bands can be recommended when booking.
A booklet for anyone wishing to hire the hall giving detailed information, plus terms & conditions, is available for download in the supporting documents on this page.
A booking application form is also available for download in the supporting documents on this page. Please check availability with Ruth Brook first.